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Tote-tally Awesome DIY Nautical Canvas Bags

Tote-tally Awesome DIY Nautical Canvas Bags

Now that the weather is getting warmer it’s time for picnics at the park, days at the beach and pretty much any activity that will bring us outside! These tote bags are so cool and perfect for carrying snacks, cards, sunglasses or anything else you need to have fun outdoors!

This is what you’ll need to make them: Cloth or canvas tote bags (we used two sizes), Stencil1 Nautical Stencil set, FolkArt Multi-Surface Paint, stencil brushes and painters tape.

Step 1: Tape the Anchor stencil to the top of the smaller tote bag. The stencil didn’t fit on our tote bag, but we loved the way that looked!

Step 2: Use a stencil brush and a dry brush technique—very little paint and multiple coats—to paint in the stencil in an up-and-down motion. 

Step 3: Lift the stencil and allow the paint to dry.

Step 4: Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the rope pattern stencil on the bigger bag. We wanted the pattern to continue fully from the top of the bag to the bottom so we moved around the stencil and to cover the bag entirely. 

Step 5: Lift the stencil and allow the paint to dry.
Step 6: Heat-seal the design using an iron. Take a picture and show us what you made @Stencil1.

Posted: 7/5/2014 10:06:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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